When I can’t be ladylike, I say it in French. Minnesota’s Mike Lindell , better known as Pillow Guy, spreader of merde, henceforth will be known as Le Connard . Le Connard Well, it has been alleged Le Connard has been a naughty garçon, at least in the opinion of Dominion Voting Systems who's suing him for $1.3 billion. "Lindell — a talented salesman and former professional card counter — sells the lie to this day because the lie sells pillows. MyPillow's defamatory marketing campaign — with promo codes like 'FightforTrump,' '45,' 'Proof,' and 'QAnon'—has increased MyPillow sales by 30-40% and continues duping people into redirecting their election-lie outrage into pillow purchases," the complaint said. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Lindell said he was "very, very happy" to find out about the suit. Source That's super naughty. The boys at Twitter don't care much for him either, as they've perma...
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